The farm house is set in the backdrop of Ujjani hills and the Sulikunte state forest.
There are three rooms, each with it’s own access from the outside and with attached bathrooms. All Rooms have comfortable twin beds, 2 easy chairs and cupboards.
Guests are provided with handmade soap, shampoo and scrubbers made with natural ingredients.
Rose & Lotus (Ground Level)
The ground level has 2 rooms with a nice wraparound verandah and large open space with views of the fields in all directions.
Tulip (Upper Level)
The upper floor is 1 large room with a spacious terrace overlooking vast green fields in the front and Ujjian hill on one side.
Tariff : 6500/- per couple per night. The price drops from the 2nd night of stay onwards, like at all Linger places. Extra adults at 2200/- per person per night. Kids upto 5 are our guests at no charge, and 5-12 at 50%, when accompanied with 1 adult.