A completely natural, abundant space!

Feel good farm is a 17-acre natural farmland located on the foot of Ujjani hills of Doddaballpura. It’s a one and half hour drive from Yelahanka. Within this are a fruit forest, animal husbandry, a coconut plantation integrated with banana and Citrus plants like Lemon, Madhala (citron), Lime, Pomelo, natural forest, a beautiful half acre of natural pond and in the rainy season cultivation of field and fodder crops. You’ll get to experience how a self sustaining and regenerative farm can be made possible with the right approaches!

The primary fruit crops cultivated are mango, Jack fruit, water apple, rose apple, Jamun, butter fruit, guava, cashew mixed with papaya, banana, sandalwood, and drumstick trees. There are more than 35 different fruit species and more than 30 medicinal plants in the orchard! During monsoon season the farm also has field crops like groundnut, ragi, aarka, Toor dal, Maize, jowar etc.

There are 2 manmade ponds (krishihonda) with 15 lakh litres of water storage capacity in which they are cultivating multilayer fishes using natural water from hill. Water harvesting is being done using a trench system which connects the ponds.

The farm follows a cow based sustainable model of natural farming, and the cattle is the soul of our farm. Feel Good Farm has 3 Gir cows – Girija, Punyakoti and Bhoomi. You’ll love to meet them 🙂

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